Reference Data

Transom Fittings


Rudder straps - bronze The first dimension for the rudder straps gives the distance between the straps, the second the length of the [...]

Transom Fittings2024-05-29T17:08:09+01:00



What could Dyneema do for you? When it comes to boats and rigging, we are surely no cleverer than our predecessors. What we [...]


Buoyancy in small boats


Buoyancy - a little guidance to keep you afloat Let us embark on the debate between buoyancy bags and buoyancy tanks for open [...]

Buoyancy in small boats2024-05-29T17:12:37+01:00

Gauges, Threads and Units


A note on units Like many in their prime of life (?), I think in feet and work in metres, having lived through [...]

Gauges, Threads and Units2024-05-29T17:08:36+01:00

Using Wykeham-Martin furling gears


Using Wykeham-Martin Furling gears - an Unofficial Guide Reefing versus Furling Gears Just in case you get confused, it is probably worth rehearsing [...]

Using Wykeham-Martin furling gears2024-05-29T17:09:37+01:00

Types of rope


Rope makers seem to delight in confusing us with science and/or extraordinary polysyllabic names. Let me try to cut through the guff a [...]

Types of rope2024-05-29T17:09:42+01:00
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